


iOS15.1及びiOS15.1.1アップデート適用後、iPhone 13 Pro/Pro Maxなどを含む機種全般で動作全般(アプリの挙動、ブラウザの読み込み速度、カメラ、FaceTimeなど)が重たくなる事例が報告されています。

I’ve experienced an extremely slow acting phone since I upgraded. I have no specific reason why things are slow… but everything single thing is slow.. apps, pages, internet, YouTube Facebook, everything.. there is no single issue.., it’s just super slow. I’m current on the OS updates 15.1.1. Just trying to find out solutions, other than buying a different model. Is this a common issue, or am I alone?

引用:iPhone 13 Max Pro slow since iOS 15.1.1 update

iPhone 13 camera slow and FaceTime is lagging. Also says I can’t use flash on my camera because my Battery is too low. But my battery is on 70%. Help.

引用:iPhone 13 camera problems iOS 15.1.1

I found that the Ipad is considerably slower and less stable since I have installed IOS 15.1.Especially (the extended) Safari frequently restarts, very annoying! It further needs more time to start-up.I regret that I decided to install it. Is it possible to go back to the last version 14.8.1?

引用:IOS 15.1 is slow and unstable on my Ipad 11



  • デバイスの再起動あるいは強制再起動(リセット)
  • 工場出荷状態への初期化の復元
  • アップデートが行われていない古いアプリの削除(頻繁に使用中のもの)
  • ストレージ容量の確保・整理(空き容量が少ない場合)

もしこれらの対処を試しても改善しない場合、お使いのiPhoneが製品保証やAppleCare+の保証期間であれば、AppleサポートやApple Store店舗(Genius Bar)に相談することで修理交換対応となる可能性があります。


iOS15.1ではカレンダーアプリの動作が重たくなる不具合も報告されており、こちらについては特定のカレンダーアカウント(Outlook、Microsoft Exchange)を削除することで改善が報告されています。

I am having the same issue, but my issue is due to my work Exchange account. Tested removing all accounts:
1 Outlook (that has 2 iCal subscribed)
1 Exchange work
When I added all except Exchange back it worked just as before 15.1. When adding the Exchange account back (after running without it for a while) the issues started happening again.

引用:iOS 15.1 Calendar app is laggy and unreliable




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  1. iOS15.1以降iPhoneストレージが計算中のまま表示されない不具合が発生しています。不要なアプリを取り除けないので困っています。



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