【iPhone】App Storeでギャンブル性のある個人開発アプリが一斉にリジェクト

AppleがApp Storeでリリースされている、個人開発のカジノコンテンツを含む、ギャンブル性のあるゲームアプリを一斉に削除(リジェクト)しているようです。


App Storeでアプリをリリースしている個人開発者から「App Storeでアプリがリジェクトされた」との声が多く挙がっています。



Gamble to this game
Dear developer,

In order to comply with the government’s request to reduce fraud in the App Store and deal with illegal online gambling activities, gambling applications submitted by individual developers are no longer allowed. This includes both real money gaming apps and apps that simulate gamble experiences.

As a result, this app has been removed from the App Store. You can not distribute gambling apps from this account, but you can continue to submit other types of apps to the App Store for distribution.

Only accounts confirmed from embedded business entities may submit a gambling application for distribution on the App Store. For details on how to register an organization with the Apple Developer Program, please visit the registration page. For details on how to transfer the application to another developer account, see the “Application Transfer Overview” page in the App Store Connect Developer Help.

The App Store Review Guidelines states that it is your responsibility to ensure that the application comply with the legal requirements of where the application is made available. If you submit an app designed to mislead or hurt customers or to avoid the review process, the Apple Developer Program account may be terminated. For details on our termination policy, please review the Apple Developer Program Terms of Service.

Thanking you in advance,

App Store Review



カジノコンテンツを含まないアプリがリジェクトされた場合、App Reviewサポートに申し立てを行い、レーティングで擬似ギャンブルの設定を「なし」にすることで復活したとの声があるので、該当する方は参考にすると良さそうです。



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